2020 Bond
Vote Saturday, August 15, 2020
The Ascension Parish School Board is asking voters to extend an existing 15.08 mills to fund designated construction projects and improvements across the district.
The proposal includes a much-needed new high school, updated classrooms, and athletic facilities, and other major improvements. The dedicated millage has supported capital improvements for 40 years.
$79,550,000 . . . New High School in Prairieville
$27,000,000 . . . East Ascension High School Makeover
$ 7,590,000 . . . Playing Surface Upgrades with Artificial Grass at All High School Stadiums
$ 5,000,000 . . . Gonzales Middle School Renovations and Improvements
$ 4,470,000 . . . St. Amant Primary School Classroom Addition
$ 4,000,000 . . . St. Amant Middle School Classroom Buildings A & B Renovations
$ 2,600,000 . . . Dutchtown Middle School Classroom Buildings A & B Renovations
$ 2,370,000 . . . Information Technology Center
$ 2,360,000 . . . Donaldsonville High School Commons Area Expansion and Parking Improvements
$ 2,060,000 . . . Roofing Replacements at Donaldsonville High School and St. Amant High School
$ 1,500,000 . . . Dutchtown High School Rear Access Road
$ 500,000 . . . Lowery Middle School Library and Professional Development Room Upgrades
$ 500,000 . . . Property Acquisitions
$ 500,000 . . . Additional Security Improvements
Total Investment $140 million with NO Increase in Millage Rates
EARLY VOTING: July 25 - August 8, except Sunday at the Donaldsonville and Gonzales Courthouses and Oak Grove Community Center
2020 Election Public Meetings Flyer
Bond Election Virtual Meeting Recording
6:00 p.m., March 3rd at Donaldsonville High School, 100 Tiger Drive; Donaldsonville, LA 70346
Special invitations to parents whose children attend the following schools:
- Headstart PreK
- Donaldsonville Primary
- Lowery Elementary
- Lowery Middle
- Donaldsonville High
6:00 p.m., July 14th at East Ascension High School Cafetorium, 612 East Worthy Road, Gonzales, LA 70737
Special invitations to parents whose children attend the following schools:
- Central Primary
- Duplessis Primary
- GW Carver Primary
- Gonzales Primary
- Pecan Grove Primary
- Central Middle
- Gonzales Middle
- East Ascension High
- Early College Option
6:00 p.m., July 15th at St. Amant High School Cafetorium, 12035 LA Hwy. 431, St. Amant, LA 70774
Special invitations to parents whose children attend the following schools:
- Galvez Primary
- Lake Elementary
- Lakeside Primary
- St. Amant Primary
- Galvez Middle
- St. Amant Middle
- St. Amant High
- APPLe Digital Academy
6:00 p.m., July 16th at Dutchtown High School Cafetorium, 13165 LA HWY 73; Geismar, LA 70734
Special invitations to parents whose children attend the following schools:
- Dutchtown Primary
- Oak Grove Primary
- Prairieville Primary
- Spanish Lake Primary
- Dutchtown Middle
- Prairieville Middle
- Dutchtown High
12:00 p.m., Monday, July 20, 2020, Virtual Meeting
Register at https://register.