Vote Saturday, April 27, 2024

Early Voting April 13-April 20, 2024 

The Ascension Parish School Board is asking voters to renew an existing 15.08 mills to fund designated construction projects and improvements across the district.

This proposal includes reconfiguring Lake Elementary to the optimal school model by dividing the K-8 campus into distinct primary and middle schools, while also updating other district classrooms, kitchens, athletic facilities, addressing security, and additional major improvements. The dedicated millage has supported capital improvements for 40 years. 

By renewing the existing millage, voters will enable Ascension Public Schools to borrow $110 million for school improvements and construction projects at NO increased millage rates.


$50,000,000 . . . Reconfigure & Construct Lake Elementary into Primary & Middle Schools

$17,000,000 . . . Dutchtown High School Renovations & Additions 

$13,000,000 . . . Gonzales Middle Renovations & Upgrades

$10,000,000 . . . Central Middle & St. Amant Middle Competition Gyms 

$   6,000,000 . . . LeBlanc Special Education Center Remodel 

$   3,000,000 . . . East Ascension High Gym Renovations

$   3,000,000  . . . Roofing Replacements 

$   3,000,000  . . . Security Improvements

$   2,500,000 . . . Galvez Primary Renovations

$   1,500,000 . . . Donaldsonville High & Gonzales Primary Kitchen Upgrades

$   1,000,000 . . . Land Acquisition for Future Schools 

Total Investment $110 million with NO Increase in Millage Rates

EARLY VOTING: April 13 - April 20, except Sunday at the Donaldsonville and Gonzales Courthouses and Oak Grove Community Center