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Students of the Year

Demi Anne Petite	24-25 Student of the Year	Bluff Ridge Primary School
Emma Prudhomme	24-25 Student of the Year	Bluff Middle School
Christian Winburn	24-25 Student of the Year	Bullion Primary School
Audrey Clark	24-25 Student of the Year	Central Middle School
Boston Rowell	24-25 Student of the Year	Central Primary School
Javen Rodrigue	24-25 Student of the Year	Donaldsonville High School
Jade Rose Watts	24-25 Student of the Year	Duplessis Primary School
Marlie McLellan	24-25 Student of the Year	Dutchtown High School
Sophia Arenas	24-25 Student of the Year	Dutchtown Middle School
Connor James Angelette	24-25 Student of the Year	Dutchtown Primary School
Luis Castillo, Jr. 	24-25 Student of the Year	East Ascension High School
Layla Fontenot	24-25 Student of the Year	Galvez Middle School
Lyla Rose Crawford	24-25 Student of the Year	Galvez Primary School
Brielle Poche	24-25 Student of the Year	Gonzales Middle School
Jayla Ramirez	24-25 Student of the Year	Gonzales Primary School
Nicole Escarcega Mendoza	24-25 Student of the Year	G.W. Carver Primary School
Carlee Smith	24-25 Student of the Year	Lake Elementary School
Max Siener	24-25 Student of the Year	Lake Elementary School
Lillian Carmena	24-25 Student of the Year	Lakeside Primary School
Ryan Harvey	24-25 Student of the Year	Lowery Middle School
Kendrick Turner, Jr.	24-25 Student of the Year	Lowery Elementary School
Jack Pucheu	24-25 Student of the Year	Oak Grove Primary School
Jaci Alexandria Gullage	24-25 Student of the Year	Pecan Grove Primary School
Caroline Reese Palmer	24-25 Student of the Year Prairieville High School
Kate Marie Lyons	24-25 Student of the Year	Prairieville Middle School
Addison McCleskey	24-25 Student of the Year	Prairieville Primary School
Madelyn Long	24-25 Student of the Year	St. Amant High School
Journey Hickerson	24-25 Student of the Year	St. Amant Middle School
Naomi Alexis Vinson	24-25 Student of the Year	Sorrento Primary School
Hannah Grace James	24-25 Student of the Year	St. Amant Primary School
Olive Ryan Ponder	24-25 Student of the Year	Spanish Lake Primary School
McKenna Elise Thompson	24-25 Student of the Year	Sugar Mill Primary

Previous Students of the Year