Child Abuse Awareness
In accordance with LA Act 180, which amends and reenacts R.S. 17:81(Y)(1) and (3) and enacts R.S. 17:7(16), Ascension Public Schools will provide information to students pertaining to child abuse awareness and prevention, which is also known as "Erin's Law."
To assist parents and guardians with ways to report abuse, please see the informational tips and resource list provided on this page.
- Childhelp 1-800-4-A-CHILD (Childhelp is a national nonprofit organization that helps victims of child abuse and neglect.) The hotline operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- RAINN 1-800-656-HOPE ( Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network) is the nation’s largest anti-sexual assault organization.
- Stop It Now! 1-888-PREVENT ( It Now! Offers adults the tools they need to prevent sexual abuse before a child is harmed.
- Department of Children and Family Services/Child Welfare (Child Protection) 1-855-452-5437 to report or file an abuse or neglect case.
- United Way provides a free and confidential service to find local help resources. Just dial 211. Available 24/7