Snap codes for returning students are emailed to parents using the email address on file within the school. Parents should use this snap code to update their student’s information as this is replacing the paper student profile sheet used in the past.
The tentative target date for snap codes to be emailed & registration to open: July 8 - 12, 2024
2024-2025 RETURNING student Registration English
2024-2025 RETURNING student Registration Spanish
2024-2025 NEW student Registration English
2024-2025 NEW student Registration Spanish
- Excluding Early Childhood Programs such as Pre-Kindergarten and Headstart.
- Registration for returning and new students.
- If the parent does not have an electric or gas bill in their name, an affidavit must be completed and approved through the Child Welfare and Attendance Office.
- Inquiries about registration should be directed to school administration.
Immunization Requirements for School Attendance
Each student is required by law to present evidence of age appropriate immunizations at the time of registration or earlier. Students who do not have complete immunization records will not be allowed to enter school.*
*Exemptions to immunization requirements and/or requests apply to those attending school in addition to those seeking to enter school: No person attending or seeking to enter any school or facility shall be required to comply with the provisions requiring immunization including any additional immunization or proof of immunity.
Should you desire to exclude your child from immunizations, please complete Louisiana's Statement of Exclusion from Exemptions and submit it to your child's school.
It is our intent to provide quality instruction to as many preschool aged children as possible so that our students can be ready for kindergarten. We want every preschool aged parent or guardian to be aware of the choices for quality programs available in Ascension Parish Schools at this time. All Pre-K classes in our schools, regardless of the funding source, follow the Louisiana State Standards for Early Childhood. At this time the available programs are funded through special state and federal grants; therefore, there are specific qualifying rules and limited spots available.
To apply for our preschool programs click the following link for the Ascension Parish Early Childhood Website
- Head Start: In order for a student to qualify for Head Start the household income must meet specific requirements. Students are accepted into Head Start at three and four years old with a limited number of classes available. It is possible for a student to attend a Head Start class out of their attendance zone.
- Early Childhood Classes: These classes require that the family meet income requirements. Due to the limited number of spots, students are screened at the beginning of the year to determine academic need. All students must be four years old. Students must be in the attendance zone where there is an available Pre K class.
- Inclusion Early Childhood Classes: These classes are composed of regular education and special education students. The special education students have identified disabilities and regular education students are included as non-disabled peers. Students must also be four years old. The child may or may not reside in the attendance zone.