Blended Learning Program
The Blended Learning Program (BLP) is a voluntary program that allows students to access their coursework from anywhere they have Internet access and at any time. Students begin the enrollment process for BLP at their home base school by meeting with the school administration. The student is then
referred to BLP staff for the orientation process. This orientation is held in the BLP Learning Lab at Apple Digital Academy in Sorrento. Once the orientation process is complete, a student is officially enrolled in the K-12 BLP program, however, the student is still considered a student of the home-base school and can still participate in SPED services, clubs, and extracurricular activities on the home-base campus. BLP instruction is to be viewed as the student’s general education classes with all other services and educational needs being handled by the home-base school administration and staff.
Virtual Attendance
Attendance counts in BLP and is determined by the students’ percentage of work completed weekly.
During the orientation, students and parents are given a pacing guide that notes how much work the
student should be completing each week in order to complete the course in the given time frame. When
that pacing expectation is not met, BLP staff begins truancy procedures following the same guidelines and
procedures as the home school. Parents are then contacted and a plan for getting the student caught up is developed and monitored by the instructor. A student may be sent back to their home school for lack of progress.
Coursework is done through an online program with possible supplemental lessons created by APPLe teachers.
Students receive a weekly grade based on the grades they have earned on their assignments for the week.
In order to complete a course in the given time, a student weekly progress goal is created. To stay on pace for on-time course completion, the student is expected to reach that goal each week. If the weekly goal is not met and there are assignments that are not completed at the end of the time period, an F will be assigned to all assignments that are not completed.
All 6th – 12th grade students are required to attend benchmark-testing sessions in the BLP lab at the end
of each quarter. K-5 BLP students are not required to take benchmark assessments. Students are required to take statewide assessments.
SPED Services
Students who qualify for special education services will receive those services on the home-base campus.
Transportation to and from the school is to be provided by the parent/guardian. Parents can choose to waive their right to services for the child while they are enrolled in the BLP.
The BLP instructor is available at designated times or by appointment to provide supplemental
instruction and interventions for students in need. These interventions can also be provided, with written consent from the parent, via electronic means (i.e. Google Meet, phone, email, etc.)