Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Ascension Public Schools shares the Louisiana Department of Education’s belief that all students, including students with the most significant cognitive disabilities, should be held to the highest possible grade-level expectations. Students who meet criteria for Alternative Assessment receive instruction utilizing the Louisiana Connector Standards and are assessed with the LEAP Connect Alternate Assessment and have an established pathway to a high school diploma.
What is a LEAP Connect Alternate Assessment?
It is an alternate assessment to the standard LEAP assessment, which is aligned to the Louisiana Connectors to measure a student’s progress.
Who Is Eligible?
Students with a disability which significantly impacts cognitive functioning. Criteria outlined in Bulletin 1530 §505 must be met and verified by the student’s IEP team.
When is the assessment given?
Eligible students are assessed in ELA and mathematics each year in grades 3-8 and high school. Science is assessed in grades 4, 8, and high school.